What we want, and what we will not accept.

In this day and age, White Southerners find themselves at the mercy of political correctness from both parties and communist black power groups.  Time was on our side but no more, within almost two months since the Charleston shootings, a movement was born to erase any and all memories of white southern heritage. Monuments taken down and broken, flags forcebly removed at the behest of “Southern Politicians”. To apease a sector of the population our history had to be erased to make up for a practice that involved more than negroes. But I digress. What we saw was a genocide of a people’s heritage that was just fine until liberal marxist spoke.

A flag cannot hurt you, a monument cannot hurt you, especially Southern monuments. What can hurt you is forced laws from black robes in Washington DC, the home of our enemies.  What we cannot accept is the disregard of our past, and what white Southerners have brought to the South. White Southerners built our cities and built our families to who we are today. What we cannot accept is black militants, muslims, queers, liberal Marxists in our homeland. With secession, alot of people will be forced north at gunpoint, and that is fine with us.

#Secede #Dixie #Hail


About SouthernRight

I am a lover of my beloved Dixie and great whiskey, extreme right winger and modern day Southern Gentleman
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